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Peekwik Dreams editions

“Our logo is cute, isn’t it?”
Jokes apart, our logo summarizes at best the philosophy of our company:
Make dreams come true.
Our first dream, Ynaros Fallin’ is the first chapter of the trilogy
“The Hymeoth Saga”.
Well, this will keep us busy for a while!
In order to dream, our creature, Peekwik, looks straight forward in front
of it, looking for a future of creativity and adventure.
That’s exactly what we want to share with you all through our games.

Luca Sanfilippo

Luca Sanfilippo is a game designer,
but first of all he is a person who loves the playful world.
Outside of his jobs between France and Italy, he never stopped cultivating
his passion for board games.
Since 2006, he has been part of one of the most important Sardinian
associations of entertainment for children in hospital.
He lives in Cagliari (Italy) with his wife (which defeat him ofter in
boardgames!). His first board game, Ynaros Fallin’, will be released in
Kickstarter in 2022 under Italian publisher Peekwik Dreams editions.

Ugo Tomasello

Ugo Tomasello is a game designer, creative writer and
CEO of Peekwik Dreams editions.

He has a background in gaming, a PhD in Neuroscience, and currently
works as a game designer/publisher at Peekwik Dreams.
He lives in Geneva (Switzerland) where he spend his time between his
job in clinical research, his family and playing boardgames.
His first board game, Ynaros Fallin’, will be released in Kickstarter in 2022
under Italian publisher Peekwik Dreams editions.

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